The Basics

What is this document?

This is a design handbook, which aims to deconstruct step-by-step everything design-related at Ontario Model United Nations (OMUN). This is primarily intended for future designers at OMUN, though anybody is welcome to take a look.

What is design at OMUN?

Design at OMUN is a broad term that encompasses a lot of different things, mainly focusing on the website, promotional materials, operations, and social media. The Design Lifecycle page has a good in-depth look at what Design at OMUN covers.

What knowledge do I need to understand this document?

The only thing that's required for each page is general technological literacy. However, many of the pages will list certain skills that one would need to design certain materials (e.g. proficiency in Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, Python). The Tools page has an in-depth breakdown of what you'll need to know.

What is OMUN?

Ontario Model United Nations is a high school Model UN conference held at Upper Canada College.

Who wrote this?

This document was spearheaded by 2016-2018 USG of Communications Matthew Wang. He's reachable at

Last updated